A kids’ book that explains physical therapy

The book is “Sammy’s Physical Therapy Adventure,” written by Dr. Michael L. Fink (no relation), assistant professor of physical therapy at Lebanon Valley College.

According to the About the Author notes in the book’s Amazon page, Dr. Fink wrote the book to explain to his then 3-year-old daughter what it is a physical therapist does.

The book follows Buddy the racoon and his friend Sammy, a bear, as they ride their bikes along a path in the woods. When Sammy hits a stick, takes a spill and hurts his foot, he winds up going to a physical therapist for treatment.

Laurie said the book does a good job explaining what a PT does and uses words and pictures that a kid would find interesting. And she wanted to give Dr. Fink a shout out: She graduated from LVC with a doctorate degree in physical therapy in 2011.