Physical Therapy
Pediatric physical therapy helps children improve their ability to physically access their environment and develop age-expected gross motor skills. Our physical therapists design individualized programs to develop and improve your child’s motion, strength, balance, alignment, and movement skills. Through a combination of evidence-based techniques, therapeutic exercises, and assistive devices, we are committed to helping your child reach their full potential and achieve developmental milestones.
Our innovative and experienced team of pediatric physical therapists specializes in gait analysis, orthotics intervention, postural alignment and stability, serial casting, and myofascial release. Thanks to the quality of our staff and facility, we are also able to offer a variety of specialized treatment options, including aquatic therapy in our on-site pool when recommended.
We understand the importance of early intervention and ongoing support, and we are here to support you and your child every step of the way on their journey towards greater mobility, strength, and independence.
More information about how to obtain pediatric physical therapy for your child can be found here.
To discover more about the experience and skills of each of our pediatric physical therapists, we invite you to visit our Therapy Staff bio page here.