Meet Our Ambassadors
Schreiber families celebrate milestones every day.
Whether it’s a child enjoying the texture of a new food or gripping his mom’s hand for the first time, these milestones bring to life Schreiber’s mission to enrich lives and give hope for every person, every day. Each year, we identify several families to serve as Ambassadors for Schreiber allowing us to showcase their journey with our programs and services.
Please join us in welcoming the Schreiber Ambassador Class of 2024. Each of these children have benefitted from Schreiber’s services – therapy, recreation and/or educational programming.
Meet Allegra
Age 13 / Determined, Respectful, Resilient
At the tender age of three, Allegra began her physical therapy journey with Schreiber to address gross motor delays. At five, a diagnosis of cerebral palsy added complexity to her path. Now, at 13, Allegra dedicates herself to twice-weekly physical therapy sessions with Lisa Stachler Volk, determined to reinforce her strength and achieve her goals.
Initially, the goals set for Allegra seemed ambitious, focusing on developing the strength and balance needed for independent walking. Recently, she triumphed over a significant hamstring surgery that temporarily confined her to a wheelchair. Despite facing inevitable challenges, Allegra’s perseverance has paid off, and today she walks proudly with the support of orthotics. Undeterred by setbacks, she resiliently reclaimed her independence, making a triumphant return to the stage where her acting and singing talents shine brightest.
Throughout her time at Schreiber, Allegra has not only gained physical attributes like confidence, strength, flexibility, and balance but has also nurtured an unparalleled positive attitude. Fueled by ambition, Allegra actively pursues daily growth, embracing the full spectrum of life’s opportunities.
Each day, she emerges as a powerhouse, continually pushing her abilities to new heights.

The fact that Allegra is very independent and not wheelchair bound is remarkable. She attends school and does every day life just like the rest of the world. That alone is a true blessing.
~ Allegra’s mom, Kristie

Schreiber has made the biggest impact on our everyday life in the best way! Our experiences with Grayson before coming here were completely different than they are now. With every new milestone reached and goal achieved our everyday becomes easier and more enjoyable.
~ Grayson’s mom, Brittany
Meet Grayson
Age 3 / Smart, Goofy, Unique
Grayson’s journey with Schreiber began at just a few months old when his pediatrician referred him for physical therapy. The diagnosis of low tone indicated a challenge in building the muscular strength needed to reach age-appropriate physical milestones. Grayson graduated from PT after five months of sessions with Libby Crockert.
At the age of two, Grayson’s parents observed additional developmental delays in speech and sensory processing, leading to an evaluation for Early Intervention services. Upon being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Grayson began speech therapy with Shannon Roland, and occupational therapy with Bernie Hershey at the Schreiber Center once a week. Their weekly sessions focused on fine-tuning motor skills, navigating sensory challenges, and adapting to new environments.
At three years old Grayson began receiving speech services through IU13, as he transitioned out of Early Intervention services, but continues to receive occupational therapy with Bernie.
In the last year his metamorphosis has been extraordinary. Once hindered by sensory struggles, Grayson now revels in playing with cousins, freely giving hugs at family events, and confidently making friends at the playground.
Beyond expanding his social world, Grayson is also mastering essential self-care tasks under Bernie’s guidance. From independently brushing his teeth to dressing himself and tidying up toys, his accomplishments showcase his determination and hard work. Each milestone he reaches brings him another step closer to his bright future.
Meet Colton
Age 4 / Simply a Miracle
Colton’s journey began with a diagnosis of nontraumatic subdural hemorrhage, resulting from his birth via vacuum extraction, which caused four brain hemorrhages and a blood clot on his cerebellum. These complications caused permanent damage to his cerebellum, the part of your brain responsible for movement, balance, and speech. Despite the initial prognosis that he might never walk or talk, Colton’s mom, Tara, was determined to provide him with the best chance at a normal life, which she knew, meant Schreiber.
At just nine months old Colton began his journey with Schreiber and is now enrolled in our Circle of Friends Academy and participates in speech therapy with Maria Viscosi, occupational therapy with Becky Smith, and physical therapy with Megan Campbell Roland every week through the IU-13 program. In addition to these therapies, he also has weekly physical therapy with Liz Datorre, occupational therapy with Kim Martin, and behavioral health therapy with Jasmine Vang.
In a mere three years, Colton has undergone a remarkable transformation. From an initial struggle to sit up independently and facing anxiety in therapy sessions, he now eagerly runs towards his therapists, greeting them with smiles and hugs. He has also formed close bonds in his Circle of Friends Academy classroom with his teachers and his peers and eagerly shares the details of his day with his mom upon pickup.
Colton’s progress is truly astounding; he has come so far in such a short amount of time.
From learning to sit, stand, walk, and run in physical therapy; to learning to dress himself, use utensils, write, and perform simple care tasks in occupational therapy, and of course learning how to talk, form sentences, and communicate with the world around him in speech therapy.
Colton’s mom, Tara, said it best when she defined Colton as ‘Simply a miracle’.

Being at Schreiber so consistently and building a relationship with everyone has impacted Colton so much. He knows he is safe and loved and that the therapists are not just there to do their jobs; they show up and get to really know and love the kids and form their own relationship.
~ Colton’s mom, Tara

Aubs loves coming to Schreiber. She knows her therapists are going to help her get to where she needs to be by teaching her how to do things with them, and then on her own. Schreiber gives us hope.
~ Aubrey’s grandmother, Dawn
Meet Aubrey
Age 18 / Kind, Caring, Loving
Aubrey’s inspiring journey began at the age of three as a client at the Schreiber Center, diagnosed with both Treacher Collins syndrome and cerebral palsy. She has spent the last fifteen years engaging in speech, occupational, and physical therapies at Schreiber and has even attended Camp Schreiber during the summer months.
Under the guidance of Maria Viscosi, Aubrey triumphantly graduated from speech therapy, mastering the art of communication with her trach and excelling in the use of her AAC device. Currently, she attends physical and occupational therapy with PT Rachel D’Arcy and OT Makenzie Skiles, both of whom commend her outgoing and determined nature.
Despite enduring over 80 surgeries, Aubrey continues to conquer new goals, fostering a confidence that defines her.
This year marks her high school graduation. Her goals and dreams for the future include living as independently as possible and pursuing a fulfilling career. Aubrey’s video editing skills have even earned her a summer internship in our fund development department this year.