Event Date: Friday, February 11, 2022 — Tuesday, February 15, 2022
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Annual Schreiber Phonathon
Date: February 11-17, 2023
Phonathon is one of the most important fundraisers we do during the year. Volunteers call on our current supporters to ask them for a contribution all from the comfort of their home at their convinience. It’s also our lowest-cost fundraiser: Volunteers do all the calling. That means we can dedicate all the money raised to services here at the Center because there’s almost no overhead.
Looking to 2023, Schreiber is poised for amazing moments. Therapists’ caseloads are surging and additional therapists have been hired to account for the rising need within the community. Yet, even with all of this success and optimism, we still face enormous challenges. The more children we see, the more money we must raise, not only this year, but every year thereafter.
Your donation to Phonathon will help Schreiber continue to help the community. You will help the thousands of families who rely on us each year for the services that no one else in the area provides. You will help a child say their first words or take their first steps.
We all want Schreiber to continue to be a place that enriches lives and gives hope.
Please consider a gift today.
Give to Phonathon online. And if you don’t receive a call from us, you can still support Phonathon with an online donation. Just use the form below, select your amount, and make your donation.
Add to the power of your Phonathon support. Make your online donation a recurring gift at whatever level you feel comfortable, and your support of Phonathon will make a difference in the lives of Schreiber children throughout the year.