Schreiber Pediatric offers infant massage classes

— Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center offers infant massage classes under the direction of Becky Smith, an occupational pediatric therapist at Schreiber and a certified infant massage instructor. The five-week classes will be held Monday mornings, and the next sessions will begin Sept. 14 at Parish Resource Center, 633 Community Way, Lancaster.
Infant massage offers a range of benefits for babies, from stronger bonding and attachment to improved sleep and language development. Parents benefit, too, as massage can decrease post-natal depression for mothers and promote early involvement for fathers. Classes are for parents and their children ages birth to 12 months developmentally.
Smith is certified with the International Association of Infant Massage. Classes will run from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and will cost $75.
For details or to register, contact Becky Smith at 717-393-0425 ext. 537 or